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Top Tips to Keep You on your A Game!

We can have the best intentions to be productive each day and smash our goals out the park...but it's not realistic for that to happen each and every day. Many things will derail this, work, life, our mindset, and we need to be kinder to ourselves on those days; that's okay! As long as we try our best every day then that's all that you can ask for and be proud of!

In saying that today's blog is some top tips that I feel have helped me the most to stay on target with my goals, and allow me to stay on track for the success that I have set myself to achieve. But also give myself some slack when I'm not switched on and need a chilled, lazy day (because we ALL need these days too! Balance right?!)

Top Tip No. One: Small Achievable Goals. We have heard this time and time again but it's so true, we can have big Dream Goals or yearly plans but we need to work on the small steps to get there, and make that more of the daily/weekly focus. This will make it feel more practical as well as mentally digestible. Then when you zoom out the focus a little a few months down the line, you will probably be surprised the distance you have come to achieving that big goal.

Top Tip No. Two: Games and Challenges. Making the Goal setting fun with game like training, challenges and competitions with yourself will spur you on and great testers of your mindset and build the fire of desire to keep on going. No one really likes to clean their room and sort their clothes, BUT I bet if you put a challenge on it to get it down in the 3min advert times of your show or within a set time limit so you can then get the reward (whatever that is for you) then you move faster, more focussed and will have fun trying to do it within the time limit! You might even make that a best time to beat for future times of this task! Incorporating some friendly competition with yourself or a training buddy will also keep things fresh and exciting and when you're having fun you can sometimes forget the pain!

Top Tip No. Three: Rewards. These are very powerful and come in many different forms, what we all perceive as a reward can be different as our successes will be different. You know how dogs love a good treat when they have done a trick or didn't tear your slippers to pieces...we humans love it just as much! small rewards healthy or otherwise, items of clothing or product purchase that you have always wanted, whatever it may be for you. Celebrating our wins and milestones towards those Big Goals will encourage us to stay on track and on our A game, as that small victory and reward felt so good, so imagine what the big reward and overall goal achievement will feel like! Sometimes this can be hard to implement for some people, especially if we are on a weight loss journey or trying to lead a healthier lifestyle than before. We fear that one slip up will take us all the way back down that slide to old behaviours and habits that won't help towards our goal, or that we shouldn't have these rewards if it's not healthy enough because that goes against the goal. well I call Bull sh!t on that one; having a reward is different to falling off the proverbial band wagon as we say. Reward by definition is to have a small treat and celebration on the positive efforts that you have endured to get to a new baseline point and step closer to your goals. That is not a bad thing, but a positive encouragement. What would be different is if cheat meals (if that was the reward) far outweighed the healthy/active lifestyle that you're trying to strive for, or the reward system gets used as and when rather than aligned to achievement.

Top Tip No. Four: Switch off time. Spending time to rest and relax is also key and important for growth and change to happen whether it's in reference to your physical training or in your journey for a goal you have set. We all need downtime and to switch our minds off from the constant 'grind' and productive mind mentality. By having rest and time to reset, it is proven to help keep us motivated and driven for our endeavours and keep our performance optimum. So enjoy your Netflix and chill time, or reading a good book, bath time or simply staying in your bed for a long lie.

Top Tip No. Five: Daily Positive Review and Gratitude Thought. At the end of the day just before you go to sleep or later on when you get a minute to think, take a few minutes out of your day to go through your highlight reel of the day. It's important to focus on the good things that happened and what you did well, even if it didn't start out so great! We naturally think about the worse things or the negatives of the day but I implore you to look back on the positives and successes...what did you DO awesome that day?! Once you have done that think about even one thing that today you are grateful for, big or small. By doing this process and taking time to review your day you will be amazed at what powerful energy can come from this and being consistent in this everyday can really switch up that mindset and get you ready to take on challenges that will come in the next day. The last thing you will be thinking about before you go to sleep will be the good things that you did; (now good things can even be when something was going wrong BUT you overcame it and navigated yourself around whatever problem. This shows the strength and power that you have and more importantly , can have control of.)

That's it folks, my Top 5 Tips to help stay on your A game and get you through your goals. Obviously not as easy peasy as I wrote them out, things take time and finding the best strategy for you may be different. Find out what works for you and learn about you as you go through whatever journey you are on! As always if you need any help with your fitness journey then please reach out to me and I will be be happy to help!

Peace & Love

Nats x

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